Flexible, family-friendly employment solutions at RIGO Kft.

The Ministry of National Economy, as a Supporter, has qualified eligible the RIGO Ltd.’s tender named “Flexible, family-friendly employment solutions at RIGO Kft.” which had been submitted within the framework of Economic Development and Innovation Operational Program.

Tender related informations

  • Project ID number: GINOP-5.3.2-16-2016-00319
  • Title of project: Flexible, family-friendly employment solutions at RIGO Kft.
  • Applicant’s name: RIGO Szerszám – és Formakészítő Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság
  • Amount of funding: 14 992 892 HUF
  • Funding rate(in %): 100
  • Completion date of the project: 2018.05.23.

Description of project content

The launch of flexible forms of employment has provided the harmonization of work and family life for employees.

The followings had been completed within the framework of our project: purchase of IT equipment, complex organization development, cooperation development, grouped change treatment, communication training, conflict management training, employee claim and satisfaction survey, labour law counseling, introduction of flexible work organization and the performance evaluation system.